Posts Tagged ‘MMGA’

Arguments over MT medical marijuana law underway | | Missoula, Montana.

I have been watching this closely today……woke up with it on my brain. Have been anticipating it for weeks, no, months – as many Montanans have been.

To quote Molloy ““Look at all of the things that people do in which they give of their time, their talents and their money to support issues & causes that they believe in. I reject the notion that people will not agree to serve as providers to provide for the compassionate use,” Montana Assistant Attorney General Jim Molloy said.”

He rejects the notion eh?

Look at our healthcare system already.  Right here in Montana – we have folks of all ages suffering to attain traditional health care. “Health”care where seniors spend money on pills and starve. Didn’t they just put out a study about hunger in Montana children?

WHERE are all those good folks Molloy references in THAT situation?

And he expects folks to possibly suffer Federal Prosecution for their acts of compassion?

That’s what they face. Montana politicians let Montanans down terribly this past session with the passage of SB423.

Well folks – I hereby reject the notion that our elected officials and Attorney General’s office have ANY CLUE what is going on with Montanans.

Steve Bullock – Jim Molloy – may you never have a family member stricken by cancer.

To all of you who live in reality…..VOTE THEM OUT – every one of them.

If ANY of you out there need help – please call me. 720-722-0501

Me and mine know what compassion is…..and we ACT.

The fight is ON.

MUST SEE viewing if you care about MT politics and medical cannabis.

Code of the West

Montana’s 2011 legislative session witnessed a backlash against the Treasure State’s medical marijuana program that still has patients and providers in legal limbo. Film director Rebecca Cohen was onhand with a production crew in tow to capture the action in Helena in the newly-released documentary Code of the West.
“I’m happy to deliver the film back to its home,” Cohen told a crowd of 150 or so at the Emerson Crawford Theatre in Bozeman on May 16. Code of the West chronicles the back-and -forth debate between pro-medical marijuana advocates and interests bent on seeing the repeal of what they interpreted as a loose law that essentially legalized the growing, selling and use of cannabis, to a point they insisted was far beyond that of helping sick Montanans.
A successful move by legislators to repeal Montana’s medical marijuana law was vetoed by Governor Brian Schweitzer, but the law that the governor allowed to pass without his signature in the very waning hours of the legislative session, Senate Bill 423, was described by Cohen as “repeal in disguise.”
Parts of the new law were successfully blocked in court by medical marijuana advocates via an injunction issued last year by a district judge. Legal arguments concerning that injunction will commence in the Montana Supreme Court on May 30.
Federal authorities added yet another twist to the action during the session, executing 26 search warrants of Treasure State medical marijuana interests while repeal was being debated in the legislature, an action some people claim was not coincidental.
Code of the West follows one of the men caught up in the Federal raids, Tom Daubert, who worked with one of the state’s largest medical marijuana operations, Montana Cannabis, prior to the execution of the search warrants. Federal agents confiscated the marijuana and various other properties of those served in the warrant action, essentially putting Montana Cannabis and the other raided operations out of business.
Daubert is notable because he helped craft the initial Montana medical marijuana law in 2004 which voters approved by the largest margin of any state to legalize marijuana for medical purposes, 62 percent.

The film also follows the activities of vetoed repeal bill sponsor Montana Speaker of the House Mike Milburn, and anti-medical marijuana lobbyist Cherrie Brady, whose stances during the session were unyielding.

“I can’t say I would change anything,” Milburn said during a showing of Code of the West in Helena on May 17. “What we set out to do, we did. I think we got a lot further than we ever thought we would.”

Also featured in the film were medical marijuana user and cancer patient Lori Burnam, who said she has now been forced back into using traditional pharmaceuticals instead of the cannabis that she insisted was managing her pain much more effectively and safely.

“It does seem there are changing social norms,” stated Cohen. “This film is an attempt at raising those questions. The way we talk about marijuana really matters…honest and thoughtful conversation is needed.”

After the film, some of that conversation took place onstage, as Cohen joined with other speakers for a panel discussion moderated by Yellowstone Public Radio’s George Cole (of YPR’s popular RealTime production), including retired Gallatin County Sheriff Jim Cashell, Rep. Brady Wiseman (D-Bozeman), current Bozeman deputy mayor Jeff Krauss, who is also a member of the Montana Board of Regents, and Chris Lindsey of the Montana Cannabis Industry Association.

Photo: l to r: Chris Lindsey of the Montana Cannabis Industry Association, retired Gallatin County Sheriff Jim Cashell, Bozeman Deputy Mayor Jeff Krauss (also a member of the Montana Board of Regents), Rep. Brady Wiseman (D-Bozeman), filmmaker Rebecca Cohen, and panel Moderator George Cole of Yellowstone Public Radio’s RealTime show.

Like Tom Daubert, Lindsey is also a former Montana Cannabis employee caught up in the Federal action against the Treasure State’s medical marijuana industry, and said he is facing charges that could potentially add up to mandatory minimum sentences of 90 years behind bars.

“There are some fundamental liberties at stake here,” said Lindsey. “And the war on drugs has been a monumental failure…we need to change what’s going on…I hope Montana is at the forefront of change…I would hate to see Montana be the only state to go backwards.”

“Nobody can say with a straight face that the war on drugs is succeeding,” agreed Cashell. He said he believed that as far as the backlash on medical marijuana in Montana is concerned, “money and greed became the driving factor, though the intent of the law was good.”

Rep. Wiseman asserted that though efforts to regulate and reform the state’s medical marijuana industry, initiated by the industry itself, had begun in the 2009 legislative session, politics did the industry in.

“Republicans…refused to compromise [in the 2009 session],” said Wiseman. “That was the real beginning of the repeal effort, in my opinion.” But repeal did not happen in 2009, nor did regulation, and local communities were left to deal with the issue of how to regulate the medical marijuana business.

“We tried to do local zoning…we dealt in many ways with a regulatory framework,” said Krauss, describing Bozeman’s efforts at regulating the then-booming medical marijuana industry in the months prior to the 2011 legislative session. Krauss testified before the legislature regarding Bozeman’s approach, and some of that testimony is featured in the film.

“The legislature has the right to make or change law. I think it’s important to understand conversation is what will advance where we need to go (regarding medical marijuana in Montana),” said Krauss. Cashell agreed, but stressed that the “hard [political] lines need to come down.”

“Polarization has led to gridlock,” the retired sheriff said. “The venom in Helena these days is crippling us.” Rep. Wiseman, who is not seeking another term in the state house, said he was “not so optimistic” regarding the future of medical marijuana in Montana, and he reminded the crowd of a key factor regarding this and other political issues.

“Democracy is not a spectator sport,” said Wiseman. “The Obama Administration has betrayed progressives in every manner…I think [the Federal action on medical marijuana] is connected to the healthcare reform bill…my suspicious mind at work.”

All the panel members seemed skeptical of the Federal Government’s actions regarding medical marijuana across the nation in recent months. Krauss said he was “not ready to fire on Fort Sumter yet” regarding Federal action. He also said people should not “be so willing to have the government used to control, when you don’t want to be controlled.”

“It is a question of getting the facts straight,” Cohen stressed. “We need a media that is on guard.”

Medical marijuana patient Sarah Baugh of Helena, who testified during the 2011 session, uses medical cannabis to control her epilepsy. She said she was not impressed with the legislative process surrounding medical marijuana in Montana. Baugh appears in Code of the West addressing legislators at the podium during her testimony.

“We did quite a bit of filming with Rebecca that was not used,” said Baugh. “When we were interviewed by the crew, I told them the number one thing I had learned speaking to legislators on a one-to-one basis was that you have to hold on to your thoughts and feelings for a bit and let them talk about the issue, especially if they are opposed to medical marijuana. You must listen to and address their personal issues or you get nowhere fast. My impression of the session was a sad one. Our laws need to be based on fact, not on religious hysteria or personal opinions. I was horrified by how votes were traded and how often I was lied to directly by my Senators and Representatives. It felt corrupt, undemocratic, and wrong.”

Baugh had a more positive opinion of Code of the West, however.

“I thought that Code of the West did a fantastic job portraying both sides of the issue,” she said. “I felt that Rebecca did her utmost best as a documentary filmmaker to provide factual and concise evidence to back up the film. Medical Marijuana was a last-resort treatment for me to find health and save my life. I don’t want to see these blatant acts of prejudice and discrimination happen legally in Montana anymore. We are better than that; we must be better than that. We should not be judged unfairly for seeking healthier and better lives for ourselves.”

Pat Hill is a freelance writer and photographer from Bozeman, MT

And Cashy is WINNING!


Our Hyde family from Missoula Montana is currently in Salt Lake City, celebrating with an elated family at beloved Uncle Sam‘s Badda Bing.

How do I know this? I was there 3 months ago – when we got results on Cashy’s first scan since his second bout with his PNET brain tumor wrapped around his optic nerve in that precious little boy’s noggin.

I sobbed that day….3 months ago. I was SO relieved….so happy.

This time – I cried when we all saw Cashy being sedated. Poor little man has been through so much – he knew what was going on. He wasn’t too happy to be going to sleep – and held his breath in defiance. He eventually relented, and his little body went limp.

To see that happen to a three year old (soon to be FOUR!) is heart wrenching – but a fact of life for the Hyde’s. A fact of life for many families around the world, unfortunately. Every day around the world thousands of children are diagnosed with cancer. When you really go looking and examine the numbers, it is chilling.

Today – we got heartwarming news – Cashy’s 2nd MRI came back with negative results. To quote Kalli Hyde’s Facebook post “SO ive tried posting this now 3 times……The verdict is in…..Cashy is still cancer free, and there is no evidence of reoccuring tumor!!! Still waiting on thoracic spine report, but cervical and lumbar spine is all clear as well! Thank you God, and thank you everyone for the prayers and support, we would’nt be where we are today without you all cheering Cashy on! Cashy your a rockstar, your my little three foot tall hero!! :)” Kalli also updated their blog – be sure to read up HERE

Cashy is such a hero and inspiration to so many. People hear about and read the news of Cashy’s success and burst out in tears of happiness. It happens in every state, every time – all across the nation, and around the world.

Cashy is a Warrior – and he is beating the scourge……that scourge is cancer.

Support the Cash Hyde Foundation TODAY! Join the Cashy Militia!

Help save childrens lives!

To learn about what happened to Montana’s Medical Cannabis law – please be sure to catch this documentary made entirely through the session – detailing the saga of medical cannabis in Montana. Be sure to see Code of the West

Also – I ran across this today – and felt it was important enough to share here. The author is a seated Judge in Brooklyn New York, and a Pancreatic Cancer survivor of 3 years.

He is also a medical cannabis user.

A Judge’s Plea for Pot

Published: May 16, 2012

New York Times Opinion Pages

 THREE and a half years ago, on my 62nd birthday, doctors discovered a mass on my pancreas. It turned out to be Stage 3pancreatic cancer. I was told I would be dead in four to six months. Today I am in that rare coterie of people who have survived this long with the disease. But I did not foresee that after having dedicated myself for 40 years to a life of the law, including more than two decades as a New York State judge, my quest for ameliorative and palliative care would lead me to marijuana.
Kristian Hammerstad

My survival has demanded an enormous price, including months of chemotherapy, radiation hell and brutal surgery. For about a year, mycancer disappeared, only to return. About a month ago, I started a new and even more debilitating course of treatment. Every other week, after receiving an IV booster of chemotherapy drugs that takes three hours, I wear a pump that slowly injects more of the drugs over the next 48 hours.

Nausea and pain are constant companions. One struggles to eat enough to stave off the dramatic weight loss that is part of this disease. Eating, one of the great pleasures of life, has now become a daily battle, with each forkful a small victory. Every drug prescribed to treat one problem leads to one or two more drugs to offset its side effects. Pain medication leads to loss of appetite and constipation. Anti-nausea medication raises glucose levels, a serious problem for me with my pancreas so compromised. Sleep, which might bring respite from the miseries of the day, becomes increasingly elusive.

Inhaled marijuana is the only medicine that gives me some relief from nausea, stimulates my appetite, and makes it easier to fall asleep. The oral synthetic substitute, Marinol, prescribed by my doctors, was useless. Rather than watch the agony of my suffering, friends have chosen, at some personal risk, to provide the substance. I find a few puffs of marijuana before dinner gives me ammunition in the battle to eat. A few more puffs at bedtime permits desperately needed sleep.

This is not a law-and-order issue; it is a medical and a human rights issue. Being treated at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, I am receiving the absolute gold standard of medical care. But doctors cannot be expected to do what the law prohibits, even when they know it is in the best interests of their patients. When palliative care is understood as a fundamental human and medical right, marijuana for medical use should be beyond controversy.

Sixteen states already permit the legitimate clinical use of marijuana, including our neighbor New Jersey, and Connecticut is on the cusp of becoming No. 17. The New York State Legislature is now debating a bill to recognize marijuana as an effective and legitimate medicinal substance and establish a lawful framework for its use. The Assembly has passed such bills before, but they went nowhere in the State Senate. This year I hope that the outcome will be different. Cancer is a nonpartisan disease, so ubiquitous that it’s impossible to imagine that there are legislators whose families have not also been touched by this scourge. It is to help all who have been affected by cancer, and those who will come after, that I now speak.

Given my position as a sitting judge still hearing cases, well-meaning friends question the wisdom of my coming out on this issue. But I recognize that fellow cancer sufferers may be unable, for a host of reasons, to give voice to our plight. It is another heartbreaking aporia in the world of cancer that the one drug that gives relief without deleterious side effects remains classified as a narcotic with no medicinal value.

Because criminalizing an effective medical technique affects the fair administration of justice, I feel obliged to speak out as both a judge and a cancer patient suffering with a fatal disease. I implore the governor and the Legislature of New York, always considered a leader among states, to join the forward and humane thinking of 16 other states and pass the medical marijuana bill this year. Medical science has not yet found a cure, but it is barbaric to deny us access to one substance that has proved to ameliorate our suffering.

Gustin L. Reichbach is a justice of the State Supreme Court in Brooklyn.

Montana Connect has been championing children since it’s inception.

Please meet the first child featured in Montana Connect.

Meet Joey, and his amazing mother Mieko Hester Perez.

The Unconditional Foundation for Autism

Joey and Mieko Jan 2012

It wasn’t always smiles when I met this family 2+ years ago. It was pretty dismal actually.

Joey was at least 50 pounds lighter than he is now, emaciated, and withdrawn into his lil autistic world. He had not been eating, and Mieko discovered Cannabis, and started her fight. Please be sure to visit the foundation website for the entire story.

Mieko was a very determined mother who had never had anything to do with Cannabis. EVER. She worked in the legal profession, her family had law enforcement ties.

Cannabis was Taboo.

When a child is on the verge of dying, parents will do ANYTHING to save their child. Mieko had found herself in this position, and Joey is alive today because of a Mother’s determination.

In turn, the immersion of Mieko into the California medical cannabis community had it’s own challenges. On top of a full time job and a kid with autism, Mieko had an infant and a teenager in the house. Challenges presented themselves daily, if not hourly on some days, and Mieko battled through.

It has been a LONG haul, and I must say, I am very privileged to have had the glimpse into Mieko’s life I have had. It has been a very rewarding experience, one to be cherished for a lifetime.

Watching Joey – MAN – what a miracle. Visit the foundation site – go see for yourself. That young man was on the brink of death……

Today? Joey has gained over 50 pounds and eats foods he never experienced before. He has come out of his autistic “world” and interacts – smiles – and plays with his siblings.

Mieko – she battles on, protecting her children, and advocating for others. Always helping, always supportive for the parents who reach out.

Some may not like her advice, but rest assured, she speaks from experience. She has seen it all, and survived.

Survived and fought so Joey can have LIFE.

Isn’t that what it’s all about?

Please keep up with her story here: Mieko’s blog – a Mother’s Tale of Advocacy

Make it a point to share her story, help her to empower more parents, and bring more autistic children LIFE

Show your support TODAY visit to get your bracelet!

Let’s Connect!


Well….it has most certainly been an interesting journey over the summer.

Nothing like fighting to survive to get yer blood pumping. What a freakin roller coaster……

In April – when SB423 was birthed – folks on “our side” were pretty well whooped. and I mean WHOOPED. We had fought long and hard on Capitol hill. We had arrived in January – full of hope – with hat in hand begging for regulation.

Begging for a stop to the insanity – begging for help. Begging to be heard.

Well….that all fell on deaf ears now didn’t it? The session was out for repeal – and the evil Mike Milburn led the charge. I can call Milburn evil – because he is. I saw him on the Capitol lawn Monday, September 19, 2011. In an attempt to talk to him to even see if the man had “settled” (ol Mikey avoided me like the plague during session – and would get big eyes when he saw me – and scurry for his office).

Well….he hasn’t. He was all slick and smiley when I walked up to him – until he realized who I was and that I had a petition clipboard in my hand. Then – well – his demeanor changed completely. The slick smiley politician was GONE – and he was immediately stern and all twitchy again.

I almost thought he was going to get violent – his body language was so…..

His comment to me immediately was “You’re all just a bunch of potheads wanting to smoke dope” and off he stormed. I called after him “Educate yourself Mike – it’ll make you a better person”

At this point – I think you could dip that man in a vat of education and not one drop would absorb. He flat out does NOT care – never will.

So….that was his attitude all session, and still remains today. Point is – this man was Speaker of the House – leading the charge – and was put in this position.

We can NEVER let that happen again. Mike Milburn should NEVER be re-elected -and I hope the good folks in Cascade can find a good replacement to run against him. An educated, compassionate person – who will listen to the people.

Mike showed up at the Wheeler Conference on the 20th. I only saw him there briefly…..and he was gone, much to my relief. The Wheeler Conference was a place for open dialogue – and education. After I had spoke with some of the organizers and informed them of what had happened the day previously – they reassured me that would NOT happen at the conference.

I’d like to think they asked him to leave……as his attitude would not be conducive to the conversation.

Enough about that asshole – he doesn’t deserve the time of day – and I hope folks are smart enough to never GIVE him a vote again. If he runs un-opposed – vote for Snoopy. You can write Snoopy in…..and pretty much guarantee better results.

Alas….I digress.

In May – the Governor let us all down and did not veto SB423. I never trusted him to veto it. I had HOPE…..but didn’t think he would -and he didn’t.

We were railroaded from day one. EVERY regulation bill was shitcanned after the first reading. All the politicians were distracted by HB161 – and that push. A common excuse offered to us was “There’s nothing else on the table”.

Well of course there wasn’t – they had shitcanned it all.

In March – we had the raids. Raids timed exactly to coincide with a Senate hearing on repeal. I had Irvin Rosenfeld in state at the time – we were in Billings that day – March 14, 2011. On the 16th – we had Irvin and Mike Hyde at the Capitol to meet the politicians. Mike had brought his son Cashy, Montanas youngest medical cannabis patient – alive and cancer free today because of Cannabis. That sweet lil kid survived a stage IV brain tumor that was killing him at this time last year.

Meet Cashy here:

PLEASE support the Cash Hyde Foundation……they are saving children’s lives. Make it a point to meet Mike and Cashy – and if you are lucky enough to get to spend time with them – cherish every moment.

They are amazing people.

The ENTIRE tribe…..and I mean all of em. They are some of the most educated, compassionate folks you will ever have the privilege to know.

And when it comes to love……and family……they are an exemplary example of Montanans with a passion – and helping others.

So….Mike brought Cashy to the Capitol to meet the politicians, tell their story, and help educate with Irvin and I on March 16, 2011.

The politicians met the gorgeous baby boy with his skull scars still fresh and fully exposed. As Cashy played in our Great State Capitol and they all smiled and enjoyed the child – these very same politicians went in and pushed the green button on repeal – essentially saying “FU Cashy – go die”.

Nice folks huh? A two-year old child who survived a TERRIBLE brain cancer…..

FU Cashy – we’re going to repeal this – go die lil kid.

Well….as we all know – repeal failed – at least in HB161. Our mighty Governor vetoed that bastard. Probably the last instance of any intelligence regarding medical cannabis witnessed from that esteemed office, in my honest opinion.

That in turn really pissed off some politicians – so….they created the monster we have now – repeal in it’s own manner. SB423.

Medical Cannabis patients in Montana were pawns in a poker game……a losing hand. At this time I discovered that we were essentially the “new gay” in Montana…….

We’ll get back to that and its results.

By June – the petition to get IR-124 on the street was chugging through the process – and folks were getting cranked up about the lawsuit. The MTCIA had raised funds to hire Jim Goetz – and the fight was on.

The fight really WAS on too – even inner-industry. Certain folks had already undermined many areas of our industry by their actions – and now we had a whole new tribe of pissed off people trying to maintain crash control.

It was like watching a trainwreck… matter what you did to stop it – there wasn’t a chance. That train was hurtling off the top off Going to the Sun highway – and it had enough steam behind it – it probably coulda made the Canadian border before it landed.

Yikes…..painful. It had been a brutal session – and now our folks were eating themselves……

I got the hell out of Dodge in July……it was a needed mental break. I had went to Colorado with my daughter in June – spent three weeks working and played a little with my kid. But I was still immersed in the Cannabis industry – and the new pressures and problems facing my home state.

I do love Colorado – I was born in Weld County Hospital in Greeley. My family homesteaded Conifer – and the family farm is still in Milliken.

It was good to be home – but I truly felt I was losing my mind. No matter where I went – the patients had not been represented. It seemed ALL the new laws in states were designed to corral the “evil caregivers” who are actually some of the bravest, most compassionate caring folks a person could have honor to know. That was the key focus – corral the caregivers (Colorado) or just flat out run em out with a pitchfork (Montana).

It was maddening….because I KNOW these folks. I have met so many, and heard and witnessed so many stories. I know the TRUTH about these people – and how wonderful many are.

Don’t get me wrong….we have our bad guys too. EVERY industry does. But to categorize an entire population of people based on a few idiots and abusers….well….that just doesn’t sit so well with me. As a matter of fact – it makes me fighting mad.

I was fighting mad too……

I was mad at the politicians. I was mad at MY politicians! I was mad at our industry and the derision, the division, and the lack of unity and support. We had fought SO hard for SO long…..and everything was going to hell, or so it felt to me.

It was time for Hiedi to take a mental break…..and it was SORELY needed. I had been immersed in everything cannabis….it’s all I read – all I talked about. All I could DO was east, sleep, and dream cannabis – when I sleep. I don’t sleep much – haven’t since I got involved – and really got to know the patients and providers.

After learning all I have and meeting the folks I have – I cannot stop.

THAT is MY addiction to Cannabis……Advocacy.

It has cost me everything….almost. I have went in the hole financially to help others when nobody else would listen….because nobody else would listen. We’re all so busy – we forget about the human condition….we forget to listen…..

I guess that’s why I have my place in this industry. Loudmouth Redneck woman from Montana screaming for patients rights. I’m not going to give up either…we have built one hell of an army of Warriors. Giving up is not something I was never taught growing up – or ever taught my children.

When you want something – you go for it with all you’ve got. No 99% here…..Give er 200%!

On with the tale…….

When I was in Colorado in June – I was invited to be a paid speaker for an event in Florida. My flight was booked shortly after I returned to Montana in June…..

I was both anxious – and very excited to go to Florida. This Montana woman had never been further South than DalHart Texas – or further East than Greeley Colorado. The tropics? In JULY? Holy shit…..I was gonna melt and die. I’m a freakin snow bunny!

My flight was booked – and I got to go to Florida for 10 days. Amazingly, I did it on $8.

That’s a whole nother story…..

Then….dad had a stroke July 15.

My father is of significant importance in my life – as he has been my ONLY parent since 1972, when my mother so graciously decided to excuse herself from our lives via a couple bottles of valium 4 days before my 6th birthday.

Pop raised three of us, by himself in entirety, for the past 38+ years now….so he’s been a pretty big influence. HE is the man who walks on water in MY life.  Pops was both Mom and Dad…..and he taught us well. For such a quiet man…..he sure got a rabblerouser loudmouth for a daughter. 😉 Love ya Pops!

Anyway….dad lives in Helena, 60 miles away from me. On the 15th, when he had his stroke – we didn’t know if for a full day. My brother found him on the 16th. On the 15th, I had went to get my daughter from Camp Utmost, as she had been there all week. On the drive home…..I had the most desperate feeling come over me about 1:00 that afternoon. It was a black cloud of despair and anxiety – something I NEVER experience – and something I couldn’t shake. When we got home I tried to function – and just couldn’t. My mind was racing with anxiety and fear – then depression and sorrow. This went on all night – I woke up with it the next morning too.

About noon the next day – on the 16th – I got a call from my brother. He was with my dad – and the ambulance was there. He didn’t know what had happened – but they were guessing a stroke.

I have never experienced anything like the feeling I got with that call. All the feelings of anxiety and despair, sorrow and depression – well – it’s like they were a coat -and they fell off my shoulders – never to be felt again. In hindsight – I realize now I was tuned into my dad…..and from now on will always listen. Now I know…..

I immediately went into recovery mode. Re-assured my brother I was on my way – and spent the next two days in the hospital with my Father after a hurried drive over Fleisher Pass.

My beloved father had had a pretty serious right brain stroke. When my brother found him – he was alert and conscious – but could only speak gibberish. He had lain on the floor for almost a full 24 hours before anybody found him we determined. That was so painful to discover – but dad had been independent. For YEARS. He was still living in the house he raised us in. We had no warning signs – and after he had his stroke – he had no way to contact is from the floor.

We could have lost this precious man.

I’m not even going to think about what that would have done to me at that particular point in time.

As I spent time in the hospital with my father it was apparent he was still “in there”. His speech was coming back as he got fluids into him and recovered some – and he even had his sense of humor.

Thank GOD for that…..Pops has a wicked sense of humor – and when I saw it in the emergency room – fighting it’s way out – I know he still had his marbles. Pops brain had been horribly damaged and left him immobile on the left hand side – but my precious father was still “in there” mentally. If he could crack a joke in the ER – he was still with us.

2 months into stroke recovery – Pop is doing well. His speech is improving every day – and he gains more feeling in his left side extremities.  He can wiggle his fingers and toes on the left side now – and is gaining more feeling every day. It kills me to have him so far away…..but that just can’t be fixed right now. Where he’ll land post-rehab….nobody knows. We’ll get it figured out – and keep him happy and surrounded by love. Nobody deserves it more than my father.

By July 19…..I had packed for my trip – and I flew away with apprehension. Dad had just had a stroke – and I was about out of my mind mentally. Also – I had never gotten to visit my eldest in Florida, and she had lived there 5 years already. We had made plans and quite honestly…..I needed to get away from everything for a time.

I’m glad I went. It was a necessity. I needed to just walk the hell away from everything for a few days. Get away from Montana – Montana Politics – Cannabis – Industry – Advocacy. I needed a mental break…..a dis-connect for a time – so I could re-connect. Re-focus.

It was Florida….or the Funny Farm. I made the right choice I think…..

Florida was everything and more than I ever expected. The foliage fascinated me – and everywhere I stepped – lizards scooted across the ground. I was in a pool EVERY day – and I was outside every day. It felt good to swim and float….and I spent a lot of time doing just that. Floating….thinking….sorting out things in my mind.

Folks encouraged me to “Go see this…Go see that….” and all I could think was “Why?…..I’m still absorbing THIS”.

The mental break and disconnect was hugely needed…..and I cherish that time to this day. It was the best thing I could do for myself at that time.

Since I have been back – the batteries are recharged – and I’m re-focused. I know what we need to do – and what I have to do to survive – and I’m doing it. Launching Colorado Connect is a primary focus now – I have received SO much support – and it is so desperately needed. Montana Connect is still alive – and content is developed for the next issue. Still developing – and I intend to get one out no later than November…’s just a struggle in Montana after the new law and all.

Montana Connect will never die……ever. I intend to be here in another 20 years whacking politicians around with it then too….if they don’t ever get smartened up.

It’s time to end the ignorance and lies.

Hope to hear from you folks – and see some of you jump in the next issue. Your support is needed – and welcome.

Give me a call at 406-594-7932 or e-mail me at

Walk Proud Warriors!

First – a message from Irvin Rosenfeld. To quote:

To all my friends in Montana:
Didn’t you learn anything from what just took place in your state?
70%-80% of the people in the United States are in favor of Medical use of Cannabis and you still almost lost your law.
40%-55% are in favor of legalization of Marijuana.
Protect what you already have.
Our president is changing his stance and not living up to what he promised. What happens if he loses in 2012 and we have a total backlash against all use of Cannabis, even medical?
I have been around this issue for 40 years. In my opinion, talk of legalization and support of the social culture is only going to keep hurting the Medical use as the country is starting to lean the other way. It is too easy for our opposition to hold up an ad telling people how to pass a piss test and say “This is what legalization causes.”
Decrim is one thing, trying to shove legalization in the face of our opposition without a decrim law makes no sense.
While legalization would allow all patients to have their medicine, as a nation we are not there yet, however
Patients are Out of Time.
Irvin Rosenfeld, the longest surviving Federal Cannabis Patient and an adopted Montanan.
The woodpecker to me is the legalization effort and “Culture Club” effect on the Medical Cannabis ship – and in my opinion it’s gonna SINK if it keeps up.
I have always agreed with Irvin on this view.
One thing folks seem to forget, as we get so casual in our Medical Cannabis,
Until it is re-scheduled – we have NO business stumping for legalization. It’s just TOO much for the general population to absorb. Re-scheduling should be the focused effort – and decriminalization.
The Federal Government has reversed its stance. Barack Obama has backed up a step or TEN – and the idea of the Holder memo protection is hereby GONE.
Many of the previous Caregivers I have been in touch with will NOT re-register to become a Provider under the new law. I can’t really blame them for that… all of their information will be handed to law enforcement on October 1, 2011 under the new law. Unless we get all of our signatures of course. Until then – times are frightening. After the past legislative session it is QUITE apparent that law enforcement is NOT on our side.
Quite the opposite in my opinion. We are viewed as potheads and criminals.
So….as of July 1, 2011 – we have the Judges ruling – and the referendum is under way.
We also have a SERIOUS lack of providers – and 30,000 patients out there – with no provider to care for them.
I have come up with a solution to help folks – as I feel I am in a position to do it.
First – I have NEVER been a caregiver – EVER. I respect the HELL out of the brave souls and warriors – but it was never my place – not my niche in this industry.
I consider it my job to attempt to protect – and promote Caregivers. Right now – PROTECTION is the priority – and safe patient access.
I am also in a position NO OTHER magazine in Montana can be in. Not just a Trade publication – but my NOT caregiving makes me NO competition for ANY of you. The other 2 magazines in Montana are not only Culture magazines – but they are owned and/or managed by Caregivers.
Now – this is not said to imply any foul play – just the facts. They simply cannot offer what I am about to offer – as the Feds could come and get THEM at any time they saw fit. All of their records would be exposed to the Federal Govt if they came and got the other caregiver magazine owners.
As I have NEVER been a caregiver – there are no records to go after retroactively. They have NO reason to even come and get me. I own a MAGAZINE and I am a patient – and under the new law, as I have declared a provider – I don’t even grow.
Here is what Montana Connect can do for YOU Caregivers – to add an extra layer to attempt protect you from this heinous bill in heinous times.
I will offer this to my advertisers – an extra layer of protection for the same price. You can still post an ad – and promote yourselves (most likely sans garden names) and on said ad – will be a contact code for the patient to use. They will contact ME via cell or internet – and I can pre-qualify patients – and direct them to you folks. This gives you a buffer – and I can screen folks. If it’s a sketchy call or law enforcement – I can help weed them out – and attempt to PROTECT caregivers without any of you being under threat of the Feds finding locations and coming after folks. They have made their intent known.
Without the Caregivers (or Providers – under SB423) – the patients have nothing.
We must work to protect and help all.
If you have a better idea – fly it by me. Anything to help.
In addition – patients have responded very positively to Montana Connect – and have loved the content and educational aspect. Montana Connect will continue to ALWAYS have 60% content vs 40% advertising.  I will NEVER sacrifice that.
Another thing we are doing here is building a strong medical community – where we can share science and stories – conduct peer review. Bring credibility and Integrity to medical cannabis – it is desperately needed.
I wish I could tempt folks with deeply cut advertising rates for attending events, or sponsorship of a group, but I simply cannot. If I were to do that – Montana Connect would become all ads – and no content. I cannot do that with my publication – will NEVER do that. The ad rates are structured to support the content.
I’m here for you folks – and I believe you will see from my history that I have never wanted anything more than to help folks and promote this industry I love. I have paid dearly for that since legislative session started – as I gave up my garden to stay on the hill – and by the time we needed to print again – SB423 had essentially put the brakes on EVERYTHING.
So folks – I am asking for your support – and in turn – I will do anything and EVERYTHING to support and help all of you.
Patients – if you love Montana Connect – encourage others to read and subscribe. Give copies to your providers.
Providers – even if you don’t need new patients now – help provide a voice. Keep Montana Connect out there – and have a voice yourself! Ads don’t have to promote your business – you can state opinion too. Within reason of course – we can’t be libelous or anything…..
Another advantage Montana Connect has over all other publications is feedback, stories, and guidance from Irvin Rosenfeld, the longest surviving Federal Medical Cannabis Patient. Irvin has been involved in the movement for 40+ years – and has a wealth of knowledge to share. He also lends quite a bit of credibility to our cause.
NO other publications have that.
I look forward to your response to this – and hope to have an issue out mid-August. I have ALL of my livlihood tied into this magazine – and I am not financed by out of state money.
It’s me….and I am here to help you as much as I can – in any way I can.
You matter to me……and it’s much more than dollars and cents.
Let’s build this folks…….Mike and Cashy Hyde are on the cover of the next issue. Let’s get it OUT there!
Call me at 406-594-7932 for ad rates or e-mail me at
I look forward to hearing from you!
Walk PROUD Warriors!

Senator Essman

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me yesterday. We covered quite a bit of ground in 15 minutes.

As we spoke about – I promised to send an article regarding advertising and Federal ruling re: medical marijuana.

I also found more information regarding the constitutionality of the infringement upon patients rights in medical cannabis states by attempting to repeal medical cannabis laws and reduce safe access to patients:

I sincerely hope you will take the time to read them.

Also – Senator – I have to bring one more story to light for you here – as it was the birthstone for my education in medical cannabis – and where I am grounded. It is a wonderful tale told by a Grand storyteller to the California Judges Association in 1995 at their annual conference.

If you take the time to read ANY story on any link I have presented here – this one would be the most important link to click:

Please pay close attention to this section – as I feel we have repeated history…..

“The first group of states to have marijuana laws in that part of the century were Rocky Mountain and southwestern states. By that, I mean Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Montana. You didn’t have to go anywhere but to the legislative records to find out what had motivated those marijuana laws. The only thing you need to know to understand the early marijuana laws in the southwest and Rocky Mountain areas of this country is to know, that in the period just after 1914, into all of those areas was a substantial migration of Mexicans. They had come across the border in search of better economic conditions, they worked heavily as rural laborers, beet field workers, cotton pickers, things of that sort. And with them, they had brought marijuana.

Basically, none of the white people in these states knew anything about marijuana, and I make a distinction between white people and Mexicans to reflect a distinction that any
legislator in one of these states at the time would have made. And all you had to do to find out what motivated the marijuana laws in the Rocky mountain and southwestern
states was to go to the legislative records themselves. Probably the best single statement was the statement of a proponent of Texas first marijuana law. He said on the floor of the
Texas Senate, and I quote, “All Mexicans are crazy, and this stuff (referring to marijuana) is what makes them crazy.” Or, as the proponent of Montana’s first marijuana law said,
(and imagine this on the floor of the state legislature) and I quote, “Give one of these Mexican beet field workers a couple of puffs on a marijuana cigarette and he thinks he is in the bullring at Barcelona.”

Well, there it was, you didn’t have to look another foot as you went from state to state right on the floor of the state legislature. And so what was the genesis for the early state
marijuana laws in the Rocky Mountain and southwestern areas of this country? It wasn’t hostility to the drug, it was hostility to the newly arrived Mexican community that used it.”

During and post 62nd Legislative Session – I have to state here and now – especially after Representative Howard’s “scourge” statement: History has repeated itself – it’s just the “community” has changed.

The views are STILL the same…..

Here’s a refresher of Rep. Howard’s statement:

Feel free to visit my channel ANYTIME….I have over 500 videos from session.

My Senate example of Democratic Party standing up for my personal rights and freedom to treat myself:

Re: Howard and his “credentials” and medical cannabis being such a killer drug……answer me this please:

What about Irvin Rosenfeld? He has been smoking it for almost 40 years! That 58 year old man looks younger than BOTH you and I – and is probably healthier! Cannabis is all Irvin has used to manage his pain for over 18 years. AND – you and I have been paying for Cannabis at a FEDERAL level for 33 years now….the IND program has been in place THAT long.

And regarding this past session and that particular video – I have another question I did not get to ask you on the phone. I will have you know Senator – I have been conservative ALL of my voting career. I began voting in Helena Montana when I turned 18 – my birthday usually falls on election day. My party and my values have been VERY IMPORTANT to me residing in Montana for 34 of my 44 years.

I was QUITE appalled to witness this session a complete reversal of party values on BOTH the House and Senate Floors……

I’ll just SHOW you:

Ellie Hill – VEHEMENTLY defending patients rights and freedoms. Personal liberties – and an INITIATIVE:

Mind you – she is a FRESHMAN! The Freshman Democrats KICKED the conservative parties butts this session – and defended our Constitution in a manner to be respected and honored. I was as horrified this session watching my OWN PARTY shat upon the Constitution as I was watching Jason Christ shat upon Montana’s Initiative, and abuse and extort it.

WHY did the Democrats – FRESHMAN no less – wipe the floor with my beloved party? WHY did this past session have a 15% approval rating? WHY did the Governor break LANDMARK records in vetoes this year? Are you folks SERIOUSLY proud of the work done with a 15% approval rating?!

If you had a staff member who made a 15% approval rating on a performance appraisal given by your company – would they still be employed?

I would really appreciate answers to these questions…….

I don’t imagine you got to watch a lot of testimony over Session – so I would like you to meet Daniel Decker. It was quite a challenge for him to make it that day to testify and wait so long in the halls. I hope you take the time to listen to him:

I heard about your meeting Wednesday, and I was sorry I missed it. Heard it was a humdinger.

I will be chasing down a copy of the video made there – and hosting it on my YouTube channel if they want me to – or I will help them host it – and go viral……heard it was a 3.5 stars out of 4 on the viewing “must see” scale.

I also owe you one more thank you Jeff…..bless your little heart.

Thanks for the TIP re: my magazine.

Over the next few weeks – Montana Connect will be metamorphosing…….

I won’t have to “walk around a corner” to conduct my business as you want the caregivers to do.

Montana Connect is now a Political publication – and I owe it all to you…..GREAT tip!

I can sell it STRAIGHT too – no bullshit games.

Figures……..a politician would suggest I walk funny……..and bend the law.

What in the hell does THAT say?

My first FEATURE story is in outline form – but I figured I should share it with you – as it features you….in a way.

It’s titled: “The Scarlet Letter”

and it’s image will be this


Grown in your honor in your own District…….enjoy!

It’s a political LEGACY!

Nice talkin to you Jeff….

Hiedi Handford
Montana Connect Magazine
Bringing Integrity & Credibility to Montana’s Politics from here on out… least in MY magazine!

I edited and added this 2 hours later – when I saw it on Facebook. Whoever did it – if you want credit – speak up!

AWESOME! The “A” fits so……WELL!

Appropriate "A" placement!

As there are subscribers who may not be on other mass mail lists – it is best to get all the news OUT.

PLEASE pass on as you see fit – and share your experiences on blog if you wish…..I have heard some pretty comical call recollections!

Also – when we share what we have said – it may help others to frame what they wish to say…..give them some “ammo” – or expound on something you may have started.

Here’s the news!

latest news


more cut and paste of all the current news. as before, there’s a lot of ground covered here, so read it all or you might miss something good. questions? you can get a hold of me



keep up with the lawsuit and other MMJ happenings and to donate to the cause

MMJ complaint department

Jeff Essman, author of SB 423 (406)534-3345 or email

Perhaps we should publicly suggest that patients wondering what to do now that their Caregivers are going out of business and they cannot grow for themselves, contact Senator Essmann directly at the contact info above to inquire from him in his infinite wisdom what they should do.

US Attorney’s office Victoria “Tori” Francis 406-247-4633

Attorney General of Montana Steve Bullock phone: (406) 444-2026 Fax: (406) 444-3549 Email:

MTCIA fundraisers

Lots of fundraisers coming up. Informative speakers, bands, mingling, and grown up drinks for those who attend. These are a great way to meet other warriors in your area and raise money for the fight. Look to see if one is coming to a town near you. I’ve attached the flyer for the Bozeman mixer. Please feel free to print and distribute.

Booths and banners are available.

For more info on the booths, banners, volunteering to help, whatever, call Ed 261-9535 or email him


When: Friday, June 3rd


Where: Eagles club next to the Nova

316 E. Main St Bozeman


When: Saturday, June 4th


Where: F.O.E.

801 N. Fee St. Helena


When: Saturdy, June 11


Where: F.O.E.

37 1st St. W.

Kalispell 59901


When: Monday, June 13th

Link to agenda:

Billing’s city council is meeting to decide whether to completely ban all storefronts in city limits. Show up and let them know what you think.


Senator Wanzenried is running for Governor he stood up for us and now we need to stand up for him. I have spent many hours talking to Dave on the topic of medical marijuana and I am convinced he is the only gubernatorial candidate that fully supports us. Dave was the first Senator to sponsor the amendments to sb423 and a true friend.  I am asking everyone to forward this email if we can get $10.00 out of a couple thousand supporters we can greatly help his run for office. This man is dedicated to the rights of Montanans, I will donate my $10.00 now here

and go “like” Dave for governor on Facebook!


Essman’s editorial

Kate’s response


New info on the timeline for the lawsuit


link to an update on the referendum petition

We cannot gather signatures yet. It is a legal process, which is
unlikely to be complete before June. Sit tight, the delay is absolutely
unavoidable. However, what we can do now…

Organize Volunteer Signature Gatherers

We need a small army organized in the next 2 weeks and we still need another 500 volunteers. If you think you can gather 20+ signatures, please step up by emailing your name, city/county and phone number to

YOU CAN’T SIGN THE REFERENDUM IF YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED TO VOTE!!!double check that you are registered to vote and that all information is correct. your signature can be disqualified for a wrong address, misspelled name, etc.

Lisa Kimmet, Deputy

Elections and
Government Services

P.O. Box 202801
Helena, MT 59620-2801

(406) 444-4732
(888) 884-8683 (VOTE)

Fax (406) 444-2023



or even better, sign up for ASA’s raid response and/or text alert and give them a call. Also a good idea to call MT NORML, post on facebook, whatever. Just get the word out! We need to be standing together in HUGE numbers that they can’t ignore.



Things seem to be changing daily at DPHHS. Keep checking the site to stay up to date.

Bozeman mixer.pdf Bozeman mixer.pdf
31K   View   Download
 I’ll be blogging soon about my adventures…..been pretty busy!

Well……DPHHS finally released their FAQ re: SB423

PLEASE folks – do NOT attack them! In my opinion – they are victims too……

If you want to take it out on anyone – let your elected officials who voted FOR it HAVE it! Be sure you check to see who voted how on the Legislative website  – search for HB 161 (Milburn’s repeal bill) AND SB 423 (Essman’s lil lovely the Gov let pass -and cause of many puckered butts and bugged eyes across our great state). AND – be sure to look at ALL of their voting history on these bills – not just the final votes……it’s a strategy game – and the rely on folks being lazy and seeking just the final answer. Please SHARE any efforts you have here on blogpost so folks are not doubling efforts.

If in question as to WHO to thank – and who to never elect again – visit and punch in your zip code.

You can also visit Montana Drug Policy’s Site. Spend some time here – and contribute what you can – this will be all inclusive come next elections. Get familiar with it – so you can share with others. Also watch for YouTube videos from my channel to be posted with reps as we all find time (Yeah….RIGHT!) to add more as we go……I hope to add all Marijuana legislation for Montana I can to my YouTube Channel.

PLEASE – also – keep in mind – injunctions are being filed to stop law.

So – let’s take a look at this lil lovely and break down the FAQ…..My comments will be in RED of course – as it makes me RED MAD!

Here we go:

There are important changes to the Montana Medical Marijuana Program that will affect you.
These frequently asked questions (FAQs) will provide answers to questions
about the new law and the transition to the new program.
Marijuana Infused Products Provider (MIP Provider): Means a Montana resident who meets the requirements of the law, and who has applied for and received a registry ID card to manufacture and provide marijuana-infused products for a registered cardholder.
Provider: Means a Montana resident, 18 years or older, who is authorized by the department to assist a registered cardholder (as allowed by law) to obtain medical marijuana.
Registered cardholder: Means a Montana resident with a debilitating medical condition who has received and maintains a valid registry ID card.
Resident: A person who meets the requirements of the law and who does not claim residency in another state or country for any purposes. An absentee property owner who pays property tax in Montana is not resident.
2nd Degree of Kinship (by blood or marriage): Means a mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, spouse, grandparent, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent-in-law, grandchild-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepsister, stepson, stepdaughter, stepgrandparent or stepgrandchild.
Seedling: A marijuana plant that has no flowers and is less than 12 inches in height and 12 inches in diameter.
Is the medical marijuana program still issuing cards? Yes. The department will continue to accept new and renewal applications on the current forms until June 20, 2011. New forms will be available on the website by June 20, 2011.
When the new laws take effect, is my card still going to be valid? Yes, Current patient cards will remain valid and will expire on the expiration date printed on the card. Under the new law, cardholders must carry their registry card with them at all times, along with a picture ID. All current caregiver cards will become invalid on July 1, 2011.
Can I renew my card early? Patients can renew their card up to 30 days before the expiration date printed on the card. This means patients can renew early if the expiration date is on or before July 20, 2011 and the renewal form is received by the department by June 20.
Instead of waiting for my renewal, can I pay $25 and get a new card? No. If a patient sends a new application packet but has a current, unexpired, enrollment the application materials will be returned to the patient.
I am not a Montana resident; can I still get a card? No. Individuals must be a Montana resident to apply to be a registered patient or a provider. The new application will require a Montana driver’s license or state issued ID card.
When the new law takes effect, can I keep my caregiver? Effective July 1, 2011 patients will no longer be assigned to the caregiver they have now. Patients will have two options to get their medical marijuana:
Patients can begin to grow their own medical marijuana.
Patient’s can find a person willing to serve as a registered provider to grow and provide marijuana to them for free.  GOOD LUCK! How may I ask? Advertising was killed too!
i. If a patient names a provider, the patient can no longer grow their own marijuana. So you better be good at it, have the TIME to grow it (life expectancy or work schedule if so blessed to be able to work), and all the resources and knowledge AT HAND.
Where can I get materials and marijuana seeds or cuttings to get started? The department does not have information about growing marijuana, but recommends using the internet, family and friends as resources to find information. EVEN THOUGH providors are not allowed to advertise – and who could afford to anyway? GREAT WAY to shut up a political or educational voice……So much for Freedom of Speech!
Can I have the same number of plants as I do now? No. Effective July 1, 2011, patients will be limited to 12 seedlings (<12”), 4 mature flowering plants, and 1 ounce of usable marijuana. If patients assign a provider, they cannot grow for themselves.
Can I keep my card if I have a chronic pain diagnosis?
All current patient cards remain in effect until the expiration date printed on the card.
Upon renewal, if a patient has a diagnosis of chronic pain, the patient’s doctor must state that the pain is persistent and severe and can be proven by necessary and relevant x-ray, MRI or other diagnostics; OR.
A second physician may confirm the chronic pain diagnosis, after performing a physical exam if the patient’s first physician did not order diagnostic testing.
If my spouse and I are both patients, can we both grow marijuana in our home? Patients cannot grow marijuana or produce marijuana infused products at a location that is shared with, rented to or leased by another cardholder, unless individuals are related by the second degree of kinship. For example:
A husband and wife, who are both patients, can grow for themselves in a home they share.
Roommates who are both patients, but are not related, cannot grow for themselves in the home they share. SEE THAT ONE? Multiplies grows like RABBITS – IF so lucky to qualify…….
If I grow my own marijuana, do I need to have a background check? Will my name be on a list given to law enforcement? No. If patients are growing medical marijuana for their use only, they do not need to have a background check and their name and address will not be on a list given to law enforcement. BAIT – Better to be a Patient – than a Providor… gosh – that thar providor has just GOT to be a ROTTEN person if they go so far as to pay all the wicked new fees and do it all for FREE!
My minor child is on the registry, will his/her card still be valid under the new law? Yes, the card will be valid until the expiration date. The new requirements for minors take effect on July 1, 2011. If you renew your child’s card after June 20, 2011, it will be under the new program – and good luck with that……it’ll be hard enough to find a Dr for an ADULT nonetheless a child……
Do I need to sign up as a provider in order to be the marijuana infused products (MIP) provider for my child? Yes. You will need to submit a provider application packet and an application fee to the department to become a MIP provider for your minor child. See the provider section for more information. OH – just WAIT….it’s lurking below – waiting to make you vomit…….
Does the new law require two physician recommendations for a minor child? Yes, upon renewal (or for a new application submitted after June 20, 2011) minors must have a recommendation from two physicians in order to be on the registry.
When do the new rules for caregivers take effect? July 1, 2011, caregiver’s cards will no longer be valid so they can no longer sell medical marijuana to patients. Individuals must register with the department as a provider if they wish to provide marijuana to patients. And the hunt for the scourge will ensure – the “cleansing” as it was called……
Do I need to destroy my plants? If caregivers do not register as a provider under the new rules by June 30, 2011, they must take plants and any other medical marijuana products to local law enforcement. If the caregiver is also a registered patient, they may keep 12 seedlings (<12”), 4 mature flowering plants, and 1 ounce of usable marijuana for themselves. Lol…….I don’t think local law enforcement has a CLUE about this. Ol Sheriff Dutton just last Tuesday May 10, 2011 asked me how this lil bill affected him. I didn’t realize they were having local law enforcement receive it all……..Ol Sheriff Dutton is gonna take a week to poke HIS eyeballs back in his noggin!
How many patients can I serve under the new law? Providers are limited to serving no more than two other patients, if the provider is also a registered patient. Providers who are not patients can provide medical marijuana for up to three other people. Ahem…..for….FREE!
Can I be a provider and a marijuana infused products provider? Yes, however registered providers who are also marijuana infused products providers are still limited to serving only three patients, or two if they are also a patient. For FREE with EXTRA rules to kick you in the teeth!
How do I sign up to be a provider? If I am INSANE enough to want to In order to become a provider, individuals must first be named by a patient, as their provider, on the patient’s application. Individuals who are named by a patient must submit an application packet to the department along with a check or money order for the amount of the fee. The provider application now requires a fingerprint background check.
New fee information and a new provider application will be available on the department’s website by June 20, 2011
Until October 1, 2011, individuals can register to be providers without submitting the fingerprint background check.
All registered providers must have submitted their fingerprints to the department by October 1, 2011. WTH does b and c mean? UNTIL Oct 1 you can register without fingerprint background check – but you must have submitted your fingerprints BY October 1, 2011 if you are registered?
The proper forms and the procedures needed to submit fingerprints to the Department will be posted on the website before July 1, 2011.
After October 1, 2011, providers must pass a fingerprint background check before becoming a registered provider.
What are the limitations for being a provider? Approval as a provider will not be granted if there are any drug convictions (felony or misdemeanor) or any other felony conviction in the applicant’s background history. Providers must also attest on the application that they:
Do not owe any back taxes, interest, penalties or judgments to any government agency;
Are not in default on a student loan;
Have not failed to pay child support. YIKES! I bet folks were PAYING these very same debts BEFORE this bill!
What can I charge for serving as a patient’s provider? Providers cannot accept anything of value, including money, from patients for their medical marijuana. There are two exceptions. If the provider is submitting the patient’s application paperwork to the department, they can be reimbursed by the patient for the registration or renewal fee. The provider can also be reimbursed, by the patient, for the provider’s registration fee. AND – I bet you had better document that with a TRIPLICATE form – notarized by the Governors staff……
What about a provider’s initial start up costs for lights and materials; or the cost of production such as potting materials, nutrients, or the electrical costs? Providers cannot accept anything of value, including money, from patients for any costs associated with the production of medical marijuana. – NADA – NOTHING – ZIP – ZERO – ZILCH
Are there special rules or considerations specifically for Marijuana infused product providers? Yes. Marijuana infused products providers must use dedicated cookware used only for producing marijuana infused products. The cookware cannot be used for general household cooking and is subject to local health department food preparation rules. OH – and just WAIT til you get a load of THOSE rules…….for folks SO OPPOSED to smoking – they sure made it IMPOSSIBLE to do anything BUT! IF you can get it that is…..IF you can qualify…….IF it’s even worth some folks time and trouble……
Are there limitations in the law on where a provider may grow marijuana or manufacture infused products? Yes. Providers cannot grow marijuana or produce marijuana infused products at a location that is shared with, rented to, or leased by, another provider or another registered cardholder. This means a provider cannot grow marijuana in a home that is shared by the provider and a patient. However, patients who live together can grow for themselves in a home they share if they are related by the second degree of kinship. For example:
A husband who has been named and approved as a provider cannot grow in a home shared with his wife, if she is also a registered cardholder. – So what? Divorce?
Both husband and wife could grow for themselves in a home they share if neither is a registered provider and are both registered patients. Ah! That’s it……so much for being able to help OTHER family members! For FREE no less!
What are registered providers’s growing limitations? Providers will be limited to 12 seedlings (<12”), 4 mature flowering plants, and 1 ounce of usable marijuana in possession per approved patient.
15. Where can I get materials and marijuana seeds or cuttings to get started? The department does not have information about growing marijuana, but recommends using the internet, family and friends as resources to find information. Yeah….it was all DESTROYED in July – all the science – quality – safety – and high CBD strains. Might as well find yourself some mexican schwag….it’s all that will be available. Hope you live through unknown grow procedures – imported from Mexico!
Will my name or address be on a list given to the police? Local law enforcement will be notified of the names and grow locations of providers. The location will be subject to unannounced inspection during normal business hours. Woo-Hoo! Bet ol Mark Long and Mike Batista had a BIG hand in THAT one! Bring in the FEDS! We need MONEY! Oh – wait – it’ll be free – so – they’ll need weed. Gotta feed the hypocrisy we ALL know exists!
Do I need to keep records even if I am not making any profit? Providers must keep records of all transactions with cardholders. This record is subject to inspection by law enforcement and the Department of Health and Human Services. EVEN IF you are too poor to keep them because you had to use your last scrap of paper to wipe your ass!
Do I have to pay to be a provider? There will be a fee to register with the department as a provider. This fee must cover the cost of handling the application and the fingerprint background check. Information about new fees will be on the medical marijuana website by June 20, 2011. Guesstimated to be approximately $500/year. Don’t quote me on that….it’s a guesstimate……
Can I advertise to let people know I am willing to be a provider? Advertising of any kind (including electronic media) is prohibited, effective on the bill’s passage. HA! So much for that Internet recommendation eh? OH – what about my Freedom of Speech? Isn’t that a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT? What about Education? OH – WAIT – Thaaaaaaat’s RIGHT – we don’t WANT you to be educated in Montana!
When do the new rules for physicians take effect? The new requirements for physician’s statements take effect on July 1, 2011. However, the department will stop taking new applications with old physician’s statements on June 20. If a patient cannot reasonably expect to submit their paperwork to the department by June 20, the patient will need to submit the new doctor’s statement and will be subject to the new requirements. New forms will be available on this website by June 20, 2011.
What about my current patients, who I have written recommendations for? Current patient cards will expire on the date printed on the current registry ID card.
Have the debilitating conditions, for which I can recommend medical marijuana for my patients changed? There are several more debilitating conditions for which you can recommend medical marijuana. The full list is:
Cancer, glaucoma, positive status for human immune deficiency syndrome when the condition or disease results in symptoms that seriously and adversely affect the patient’s health status.
Cachexia or wasting syndrome
Severe, chronic pain that is persistent pain of severe intensity that significantly interferes with daily activities as documented by the patient’s treating physician
Intractable nausea or vomiting
Epilepsy or intractable seizure disorder
Multiple sclerosis
Chron’s Disease
Painful peripheral neuropathy
A central nervous system disorder resulting in chronic, painful spasticity or muscle spasms.
Admittance into hospice care
Are there new requirements for the chronic pain diagnosis? Yes. There are two options for
certifying a chronic pain diagnosis:
The physician must attest (on the new doctor’s statement) that the patient’s pain is persistent and severe and can be proven by relevant and necessary diagnostic tests such as X-Ray, CT scan, or MRI. OR;
A second physician, after conducting a physical examination of the patient, is required to confirm the chronic pain diagnosis; if the primary care physician has not completed the relevant and necessary diagnostic testing.
Will there be a cost associated with a physician’s practice for making patient recommendations? There will only be a cost to the physician if the physician is reviewed by the Board of Medical Examiners (BoME). The physician will be reviewed by the BoME if the physician certified twenty-five or more patients to use medical marijuana in a twelve month period. To the tune of $1,000 – is that PER 25 patients – or is the 25 patients a one-time thing?
Who do I contact at the state for information about the review of my practice? Contact Board of Medical Examiners at or 406-8412393. Self Policing???
When will patient forms change? Where will I find the new department physician forms? New forms for physicians, patients and providers will be on the Department website by June 20, 2011.
This document is only a summary and is not a legal opinion. Interested persons are encouraged to read SB423 in its entirety.

Yes – only a summary folks…….but the most pertinent things are exposed.

The tender underbelly of Medical Cannabis patients across Montana – present and future……if there will ever BE any future patients under this law…….

Time to kick ass folks………

Let’s hope folks can come to Bozeman – for the horse drawn carriages carrying coffins down main street…..

Damned straight I’ll be there! That lil image about sums it up – as that is what will happen to MORE Montanans – they will die. NOT because of Cannabis – but because of pills…..

Bring your flags – your signs – your VOICE and come to Bozeman….there’s even a BBQ!

This event is Friday May 13, 2011 – like TOMORROW! (Or today, if yer a day late).

10am the parade starts at KO’s…’s the address for folks with navigators: 332 E Main St, Bozeman, MT 59715

March to the Courthouse – where there will be speakers – and a BBQ.

ANOTHER opportunity to meet with folks and have our voices HEARD – or hope to anyways!

Hiedi’s riding the VETO PONY til the bitter end……SB423 is so ANTI-MONTANAN……I can’t help but not.

C’mon Posse! Let’s RIDE!!!!!

I’ll be there ALL DAY! Hope to see more folks!

Bring American Flags – Montana Flags – POW Flags – Don’t Tread On Me – BRING EM ALL! It’s a parade! Wave yer flags!

Signs too……

C’mon patients – time to come out of the shadows and fight with me…….it’s all about YOU!


Get up! Stand Up!

See you there……bringin my agent Gracie too. Family is important! Grace will even be there to answer questions and hand out news!

Grace will also have wristbands for the Cash Hyde Foundation…….$5 to support Baby Cash and his family and all other cancer kids.

And you get a REALLY spiffy wristband!

Bring yer kids folks – she’ll need someone to play with!